Saturday, January 24, 2009

Writing Nook

Yesterday, my husband and I spent several hours (It should have been only 15 mins., but he is thorough if he is nothing) assembling a desk and rearranging our bedroom. Our bedroom is sort an odd size (very large and roomy, but no large enough for a couch or huge recliner).

After the shareholders' meeting several weeks ago, we discussed the problematic layout of our house. We have a nice office in the basement. The problem with that is that it completely takes you out of the fold of things happening upstairs in the "real world".

If I am going to write this summer, I will need to be upstairs, but out of the way. So we spend Friday night creating a writing nook. We found a fabulous little desk and chair at World Market. I took an underutlitized lamp from another area, and now, I have a space.

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