Thursday, January 22, 2009

Living for the Weekend

Every year I reach a point where I am ready for the school year to be over. Being a teacher is a tough job, but I dare say that it becomes dangerous for the exhausted, frazzled, stressed teacher to be in the classroom around the students, who seem to be catching their second wind.

I am ready for the school year to be over, but not for the usual reasons. I am ready because I want to dedicate more time to writing and research. I feel that I will be able to consume more information and expel more quality writing during those months. I find it depressing when I have to put down the magazine or book that I am reading to take up lecturing. I need time.

Let's face it. I am already living for the weekend. So here is to the weekend. Let it be uninterrupted, and Lord, if you are listening, please let the predicted snow and ice schedule for Monday and Tuesday come as scheduled with a fury. Amen.

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