Stephenie Meyer vs. Stephen King
I have been consumed in the contraversary over Stephen King criticizing Stephenie Meyer for her Twilight series. And I have chimed in on several discussion boards that are hotly debate the comments.
This is my view:
- Comparing Stephenie Meyer and Stephen King is like comparing apples and oranges. Her intended audience is tweens and young adults, although it has proven to be very multi-generational. King writes for adults and a few have found their way to high school students. So consider the audience.
- Several bloggers have made the arguement that Stephenie Meyer's writing offers no literary merit, but I would argue King does not offer any merit. Consider why the wrote to entertain.
- Sour grapes! I believe Stephen King just may be a little jealous at the quick success of this young writer.
- I would also say that King displays little wisdom in criticizing Stephenie Meyer as a writer because he is also criticizing her readers. Those readers could become future King readers, but will probably shy away from it, if he is so openly critical of their favorite writer.
- Should we celebrate anyone who can get a person to pick up a book and read? They are driving the industry.