Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Chance to be Productive

I have another day off. No, not because of snow or the inauguration, but because strep throat has struck our house. I took my daughter yesterday to the doctor only to have my suspicions confirmed. The confirmation was followed with the speech that she needed to be on antibotics for 24 hours before returning to school. So, we are having pajama day number two (my daughters favorite days).

But this day does not come without its challenges. The furnance's thermostat is on the fritz, as it is only 66 degrees in the house this morning. I called the heating and cooling guys, and they assured me they would be right over (thank God, I still live in small-enough America).

The second challenge of the day will be taking down over Christmas decorations. Yes, I still have up the Christmas tree and village. Those will be packed away today. I like this time of year, so I tend to put up the decorations early and take down extremely late.

And I will have to allow time to watch the inauguration. Today, a new day dawns in American history. I love it.

Plus, I have papers to grade and many books to read.

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