Saturday, January 31, 2009

Step One -- Check

Today, I joined a writers' group. Yes, I finally took the first step and taking this whole thing seriously. I joined the Saturday Writers. A great group of people from what I have gathered so far. I sat in between a freelance writer and a poet, who is willing to trying writing anything according to her name tag.

Another lady introduced herself at the end of the meeting. She is running a critique group that meets at the Barnes and Noble on Tuesdays. I am very excited about it all, and above everything else I am feeling highly motivated to get something down on paper to take to the critiquing group.

Finally, I feel the road under my feet, and it feels like solid ground.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julie.. Welcome to the group. You'll love Saturday Writers. We usually have a great lineup of speakers and the group is very motivating.

    Tricia S.
