Thursday, January 29, 2009

Excuse Me While I Gloat

Over the past two snow days, I made my child read (yes, such a mean mom). She was a struggling beginning reader at the end of kindergarten, and needless to say, I was very worried about her academic future. So, I forced daily reading sessions upon her every day over the summer. She took to them slowly. She finally blossomed into one of the best readers in her class.

But back to my point....

I decided to challenge her a little. I asked her to read her first chapter book. We went through all my old books from when I was her age, and we decided on Judy Blume's Freckle Juice.

We read the snowy Tuesday and Wednesday away. We read about how Marcus Andrew desperately wanting Nicky Lane's freckles because he didn't want to wash his neck and ears. And meddling Sharon selling Andrew a secret recipe for freckle juice. It was wonderful.

She loved it and her confidence soared. Now she believes she was to tackle Superfudge.

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