Friday, January 30, 2009

First Lines

As I have stated before, I have been reading dozens of books and magazines on the business, gathering information to make this process all just a little bit simpler and less daunting. I have been analyzing past attempts and determine new courses of action.

Today, I read Snazzy First Lines: Seven Styles to Snag the Reader by Stefanie Freele in Writers' Journal (Jan./Feb. 2009). If you haven't read it, it really gives some sound advice on that all important first line. Important because as someone (not sure where I read this in the last three months) said you have one paragraph to capture a publisher. Some don't make it past the first lines.

I realized that part of the problem in the past has been those dreadful first lines. I have never been satisfied with them, and then have sent most of my time trying to find one, essentially giving up after time.

I have a tool now to solve this issue. So, now I feel that I have one less excuse for not finishing what I have tried so many times to start. Happy Writing.

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