Monday, January 12, 2009

The Game Plan

Game plans, action plans, attack plans, working plans, strategic plans, tactical plans…whatever they are called, no one can deny their importance. Everyone has a plan….CEOs, administrators, professional athletes, agents, managers, etc.

So, what is mine?

Several, several years ago, when the St. Louis Rams were still the "Greatest Show on Turf", my husband recommended a short weekend getaway to the Rams training camp. (I guess now is a good time to tell you that I am an avid football fan. So, I did not consider the trip unpleasant.)I took in everything those mornings we sat ogling our gridiron heroes.

I realize now, like a professional athlete preparing for a championship season, I have quite a bit of work to do. Like the Rams, I need to do conditioning drills, attend practice and devise a winning game plan.

But, how does one even sit down and begin to scratch out a playbook? Study game film? Exactly. I have spent the last months reading several blogs from authors, publishers, agents, etc. I mined out a few gems that I believe can get me started. (I would like to mention Alice Pope’s Blog on Children’s Writers’ and Illustrators’ Market. I read her blog first and used it as a way of locating other blogs, using some of her recommendations. Alice, if you ever read this, a heart-felt thank you.)

My Game Plan:

1. Conditioning

  • Read, Read, Read.
  • Continue to mine blogs for useful information. Any information learned now, can only help later.
  • Seek out Critique group and writer's support.

2. Attend Practice

  • Write daily on blog.
  • Write on project daily. (I believe the quote was "Ass in seat and write."

3. Devise winning plan.

Do I expect this all to work the first time? No. I know that at times I will have to scramble, change course, and punt. The game will never be perfect, but that is why there is half-time.

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